
Did you see Adam Schiff’s attempts last week to silence Republican Congresswoman Elise Stefanik during his impeachment hearing in the Intelligence Committee? The Democrats are completely throwing out the rule book in order to tip the scales in their impeachment circus.

Not only was Elise mistreated by Adam Schiff, but Democrats used the opportunity to spread a vulgar, photo-shopped picture of her in order to raise money for her opponent.

Now, in this past week over $1.5 million dollars has been raised to replace Elise with a pro-impeachment Democrat – we can’t let this happen!

The Democrats want to grow their majority, and Elise’s tough questioning during the impeachment hearings have made her a target of the radical Left. 

It’s going to take vigilance from all conservatives this election cycle to defend against these types of attacks. So please click here to chip in whatever you can to help Republican’s fight back!