Dear Supporter,
In a season of giving, there’s just one present we yearn to give to the people of the world and of the United States: liberation from the Trump/Pence fascist regime that is busily cementing its capture of the planet’s biggest nuclear superpower.
This is why I am writing to ask you to give generously to sustain the #OUTNOW Movement to drive the Trump/Pence regime from power, over these holiday weeks and going forward.

To share why this matters so much, I ask that if you can still imagine, then imagine with me –
Children able to sleep soundly at night, knowing that their families won’t be torn apart on some white supremacist’s whim;
Grownups finding they have the space to breathe once more, to enjoy and think about the ordinary things of life again — to not check their phone every couple hours for the latest depredations against human rights or rule of law;
A people brimming with the hope and confidence that comes with knowing they’ve driven these cruel men from the highest offices of power, and affirmed to a worried world that we will not leave our shared future to those who are strangers to humanity and truth;
And finally, an American people free and ready to take on our full share of the struggles that must now urgently unite all peoples — above all, the task of saving and healing this planet we call home.
This is a vision that we as a people have the power to make real. But we can’t wait for a holiday miracle...there is no Santa Claus...and he’s not coming to impeach and depose our fascist masters for us.
The reality remains this: only we, as ordinary Americans coming together in our broad diversity, can save ourselves and all those worldwide who face being destroyed by the global cancer of a fascist United States of America. Only a true people’s movement of mass, sustained, disruptive, non-violent protest, focused clearly on the baseline problem we confront of a consolidating fascism, can put a halt to “business as usual” and disrupt the immoral complicity of all too many who are hoping that “the trouble passes me and mine over.” Only such a movement has the potential to create the one crisis that can’t be ignored or outwaited or sapped of its energy — whether by the regime itself, or by an opposition-party leadership that’s only effectual at constantly changing the subject.

November 21 Protesting Ann Coulter UC Berkeley Photo: East Bay Express

November 16, #OutNow Los Angeles March Credit: NoBS Media
This is what Refuse Fascism has called for, made a cogent case for, and now modeled over the five Saturdays of our #OutNow! launch — a real-world example of exactly the kind of sustained, single-demand campaign we must build nationwide as quickly as possible. This is a precious beginning which has drawn forward new cores and inspired tens of thousands — all this is crucial for the future.
But our ability to put this call, this case and this plan before the thousands and ultimately millions who must take it up as their own — if we’re to achieve the growth it will take to actually remove this regime before it’s too late — depends on the strength of the ongoing reinforcement from our volunteers, donors, and coalition forces.
So at a time of year when togetherness is celebrated and so many of us are gathering with friends and family, we’d like to invite you along with your loved ones to bring that togetherness to your support of Refuse Fascism and the newly-launched #OutNow! movement.
Too much is at stake for us to fail. This was the message that three cousins took to heart and turned into positive action in this moving donor story.
What will your story — or the story of your family or group — be if you take part?
Perhaps you or you family or group can’t pull as much as $3500 together. Or, perhaps you can match this or even more. Find an amount that is meaningful to you. This is a powerful way, not just to make your own very real contribution to ending the Trump/Pence regime, but to join a community across this country that is stepping up to do so, and crucially, inspiring others to contribute and spread the love and hope in their own turn. >> Contact us to arrange a matching donation.
Sustained protest requires a sustained flow of support — and we’re now looking to do far more than just sustain. The beginning we’ve forged and the attention we’ve garnered are a victory; but that victory can only endure if we have the resources to propel it forward and use our momentum to make a qualitative and quantitative leap for this movement. Nothing less can hope to overtake the fascist tide and meet the one imperative goal, on which all other goals depend: actual removal of the Trump/Pence regime now. This is a tall order in a time when too many remain locked in our personal concerns, wearied into numbness, or dazed by political distractions or saviors-du-jour… but this moment also holds special promise, a collective breath-gathering between the end of House impeachment hearings and the end of 2019. We have a chance to come together and remind each other of what and who is at stake — how late the hour is — and how much power we still have to do something about it if we let ourselves awaken.
Please give generously.

We also invite you to share with us your own creative ideas on how to turn this season of “goodwill toward men” into a true light of hope for humanity by bringing forward an ever-growing and ever more passionate base of donors and supporters.
With best wishes for you and yours all through the holidays,
Sarah Roark, Editorial Board,