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Dear friend,
Today we’re relaunching our organisation and changing our name from Jubilee Debt Campaign to Debt Justice.
Even though our name is changing, we are still part of a global movement to end unjust debt and the poverty and inequality it perpetuates. And the concept of jubilee and everything it represents – debt cancellation, wealth redistribution and justice – are all still at the heart of what we do.
Read about our history and our relaunch ([link removed])
Twenty-four years ago today 70,000 people formed a human chain around Birmingham city centre during the G8 summit to demand debt cancellation for lower income countries.
Ultimately, the global Jubilee campaign won $130 billion of debt cancellation, showing the power we can have when we come together to demand change.
You are part of that movement. The action that we take together can and does have a real impact.
And now we need to come together in the face of multiple global crises. Over the past few years’ debts have built up again, we need a permanent solution. Fifty-four countries are in debt crisis, and here in the UK almost half of all adults are in debt or worried about falling into debt.
Read: why we need debt justice ([link removed])
But I know that together we can build the power we need to win change.
I look forward to campaigning alongside you!
In solidarity,
Heidi, Zak, Tim, Eva, Matt and the whole team at Debt Justice.
P.S. if you haven’t already signed up, please join us at our relaunch event online at 6.30 this evening ([link removed])
Copyright © 2022 Debt Justice, All rights reserved.
You received this email because you signed up for information about Debt Justice (formerly Jubilee Debt Campaign) by email, either via our website, while signing a campaign petition or postcard, or at an event.
Our mailing address is: Debt Justice . Oxford House . Derbyshire Street . London, E2 6HG . United Kingdom
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