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Subject Workers demand good jobs at old Potomac Power Plant site
Date May 16, 2022 9:48 AM
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Workers demand good jobs at old Potomac Power Plant site

Labor Night at the Nats countdown

MWC meetings, DC COPE meeting rescheduled; Board vacancies

Cash prizes for new labor songs

Today's Labor Quote

Today's Labor History


[link removed] LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings

Union City Radio: 7:15am daily

WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report

[link removed] Film: THE WHISTLE AT EATON FALLS (DC LaborFest): Mon, May 16, 12:45pm - 2:45pm

AFI Silver Theatre, 8633 Colesville Road, Silver Spring, MD 20910.

[link removed] Film: AMERICAN FACTORY (DC LaborFest): Mon, May 16, 7pm - 9pm
AFI Silver Theatre, 8633 Colesville Road, Silver Spring, MD 20910.

Film: THE UNITED STATES OF ALEC (DC LaborFest): Mon, May 16, 7pm - 9pm

Reel and Meal Screens Bill Moyers' Film on ALEC, Secret Corporate Lobbying Group

[link removed] Loudoun County Dems Labor Caucus: Mon, May 16, 8pm - 9pm

Meeting for union members and friends of labor in Loudoun County.

[link removed] Film: NINE TO FIVE (DC LaborFest): Tue, May 17, 12:30pm - 2:30pm
AFI Silver Theatre, 8633Colesville Road, Silver Spring, MD 20910.

Tickets: [link removed]

Metro Washington Council Delegate meeting: Tue, May 17, 5pm - 7pm

[link removed] REGISTER HERE

Chesapeake Bay CLUW Chapter meeting: Tue, May 17, 6:30pm - 9:00pm

Meeting at Red Lobster - Suitland, MD; Contact:

On last week's [link removed] Your Rights At Work radio show on WPFW 89.3 FM: Labor journalist KIM KELLY on her new book "[link removed] Fight Like Hell: The Untold History of American Labor", plus NALC Branch 142 President KEITH HOOKS on the Letter Carriers' annual "Stamp out Hunger" Food Drive, Saturday, May 14 and why longtime organizer RICHARD BENSINGER thinks Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz "will go down in history as the Al Capone of union busters".

Workers demand good jobs at old Potomac Power Plant site

"I don't know any other city in this country other than Alexandria, so I will fight here," said UNITE HERE 23 member Ismail Ahmed. "I need a good-paying job here, not just across the river. We need affordable housing or a good-paying job." Union members and leaders with UNITE HERE locals 23 and 25, Painters DC 51, SMART, IBEW and the Carpenters testified Friday at the Alexandria City Council about the importance of good jobs at the old Potomac Power Plant site. "Before I was in the Union, I was a victim of wage theft, just like many who look like me," said - Nelson Aguilar, a members of the Carpenters. "Workers here continue to get paid under the table... We need prevailing, project-labor agreements, and the same commitments here as Hilco made in Boston."

Labor Night at the Nats countdown

This year's Labor Night at the Nats is less than a month away; get your tickets now! The Washington Nationals will play Milwaukee on June 10; tickets are $17 each and the Community Services Agency gets $2.00 for each ticket. [link removed] Click here to hit a home run for CSA's Emergency Assistance Fund, or call Josh Grohs at 202-640-7714 or email

MWC meetings, DC COPE meeting rescheduled; Board vacancies

Are you a delegate to the Metro Washington Labor Council? Be sure to mark these meeting dates on your 2022 calendar:

DELEGATE MEETINGS: May 17th, Jun 21st, Sep 20th, Oct 18th, Nov 22nd, Dec 20th. [link removed] CLICK HERE to register for all meetings.

DC COPE: The DC COPE meeting slated for May 18th is rescheduled for May 25th at 2:00 p.m. Please [link removed] CLICK HERE to register. This change is being made due to the MD COPE meeting being slated for that same day.

BOARD VACANCIES: The Election Committee will be taking nominations for the Executive Board's two vacant Trustee positions. Timothy Traylor and Djawa Hall have resigned from their position as Trustees. "We thank them for their service," said MWC president Dyana Forester. Trustees play a significant role on the MWC board; if you're interested in learning about the work, please email

Cash prizes for new labor songs

Submit a new labor anthem, or a creative take on a classic labor song for a chance to win up to $1,000 in prizes at the Labor Research and Action Network conference in Atlanta this June. Submissions are open now until May 31, and conference attendees will vote on the winners of the two categories on June 22. [link removed] Enter your song here and [link removed] sign up to attend the LRAN conference here.

Today's Labor Quote: Buffalo barista Lexie

"You fight for what you love."

As quoted by Richard Bensinger on last week's [link removed] Your Rights At Work radio show.


This week's Labor History Today podcast: [link removed] Blood, guts, and organizing; Last week's show: [link removed] The Haymarket Martyrs Monument: Past, Present, Future.

May 13
The Canadian government establishes the Department of Labour. It took the U.S. another four years - 1909

10,000 IWW dock workers strike in Philadelphia - 1913

Thousands of yellow cab drivers in New York City go on a one day strike in protest of proposed new regulations. "City officials were stunned by the (strike's) success," the New York Times reported - 1998

May 14

Milwaukee brewery workers begin 10-week strike, demanding contracts comparable to East and West coast workers. The strike was won because Blatz Brewery accepts their demands, but Blatz was ousted from the Brewers Association for "unethical" business methods - 1953 photo courtesy [link removed] Milwaukee Public Library

May 15

U.S. Supreme Court rules in favor of Samuel Gompers and other union leaders for supporting a boycott at the Buck Stove and Range Co. in St. Louis, where workers were striking for a nine-hour day. A lower court had forbidden the boycott and sentenced the unionists to prison for refusing to obey the judge's anti-boycott injunction - 1906

The Library Employees' Union is founded in New York City, the first union of public library workers in the United States. A major focus of the union was the inferior status of women library workers and their low salaries - 1917

The first labor bank opens in Washington, D.C., launched by officers of the Machinists. The Locomotive Engineers opened a bank in Cleveland later that year - 1920

- David Prosten


Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.

Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.

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