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Minnesota Family Council

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This Thanksgiving, in the midst of all the abundance of God’s goodness and blessings for which we are so thankful, our team at Minnesota Family Council & Institute is especially grateful for YOU, our faithful partner in prayer, engagement, and financial support! 

We attribute the important life, family, and religious freedom successes we’ve seen over these last twelve months to God’s goodness and to your generosity! 

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This year, with your help, Minnesota Family Council has played an integral role with our allies in:

  • Stopping harmful legislation at the capitol, including a Counseling/“Conversion Therapy” Ban and explicit "comprehensive" sex education.
  • Equipping parents and community leaders to respond to the transgender trend in their public schools through our national Parent Resource Guide
  • Training teenagers to be the next generation of Christian leaders through our LEAD program, a weeklong intensive leadership experience we hold every summer.
  • Engaging hundreds of pastors to pray with and for legislators through our Church Ambassador Network
  • Launching True North Legal to defend life, family, and religious freedom in our court system

The above list is merely a sampling of the good things God enabled us to accomplish this year. Such work is a fruit of God’s great kindness and your glad-hearted partnership with us in prayer, engagement, and financial support!

Thank you for fueling our work and joyfully laboring with us in the belief that Minnesota thrives when religious liberties flourish, life is cherished at all stages, and God’s design for marriage and family is honored.

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As we head into family Thanksgiving celebrations, moments of reflection, and thanksgiving to the Lord, know that you are in our prayers. 

We are giving thanks to God for you and asking him to richly bless you and your family this Thanksgiving season!


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John Helmberger
Chief Executive Officer


For what thanksgiving can we return to God for you,
for all the joy that we feel for your sake before our God.

1 Thessalonians 3:9

Minnesota Family Council/Minnesota Family Institute
2855 Anthony Lane South
Minneapolis, MN, 55418-3265
Phone 612.789.8811 / FAX 612.789.8858

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