D.A.R.E. Launches New Teen Suicide Prevention Lesson

More Than Sad

Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in young people aged 10-24. Moreover, 1 in 5 U.S. adolescents aged 13-18 have experienced a serious mental health disorder. A number of national studies have shed light on the relationship between alcohol and other drug use and suicidal behavior. 
D.A.R.E. collaborated with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention to adapt its More Than Sad lesson for delivery by D.A.R.E. Officers to High School students. The lesson teaches teens to recognize the signs of depression in themselves and others, challenge the stigma surrounding depression, demystify the treatment process, and encourage students to talk to a trusted adult about mental health concerns.
D.A.R.E. Partners with American Foundation for Suicide Prevention to Launch “More than Sad”…Teen Mental Health Enhancement Lesson
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