
After I tested positive for COVID this week, my team set a goal of raising another $15,000 so that we could launch more digital ads.

This must be done because nothing is more effective than in-person conversations with voters. But out of caution for the health and safety of others, we had to cancel a number of events with Iowa voters, many of which will be hard to reschedule.

Against Chuck Grassley – who has been in Washington for 47 years – every conversation with voters is going to matter. Especially with Mitch McConnell raising millions into Super PACs to spend attacking me.

In order to make up for the in-person campaigning I can’t do for the next several days, we need to launch additional digital ads so we can still get our message out to Iowa voters. But that's going to require additional, unplanned for, resources.

I wouldn’t ask if it weren’t important. Please, if you’re able to, will you consider chipping in $5 or more right now – whatever you can afford to spare – to help me defeat Chuck Grassley, turn Iowa blue, and expand our Democratic Senate majority?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

I am feeling well, and I can’t wait to get back out there talking with voters once I am able to. But this could become a setback if we don’t raise additional funds to keep reaching voters.

I’m so grateful for everything you do,

Mike Franken, U.S. Navy (ret.)