From Scott Richman - ADL New York-New Jersey Regional Director <[email protected]>
Subject After the Buffalo Massacre, What Now?
Date May 15, 2022 11:12 PM
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Today I had the solemn honor of representing you and the entire ADL community at a prayer service at Buffalo&rsquo;s True Bethel Baptist Church, as we gathered to show solidarity and mourn for ten lives lost to horrible violence fueled by white supremacist and racist, antisemitic conspiracy theories.

In a packed chapel, we heard from survivors of the carnage, from family members of those slain, and from faith and political leaders. The church&rsquo;s Bishop Darius Pridgen called not for revenge, but for activism to press for change so the next generation is less beset by hate. As he said so powerfully today, &ldquo;Don&rsquo;t tell me you love all people, and you don&rsquo;t stand up against racism, and you don&rsquo;t stand up against hatred, and you don't stand up against white supremacy.&rdquo;

But the most deeply moving moment, the first thing I will remember from this day of remembrance and resolve was the closing moment of the service as we were all invited up to gather at the stage in the front of the room to support those who survived and those who lost someone dear. We stood together to shake hands, to sing, to hug and to pray. I embraced the bishop as we talked about the hate inside the young gunman, and I wept with a grandfather whose grandson was struck by a bullet but thankfully survived.

So what now? What now to respond to the latest in a long line of attacks that can be referred to by city names: Oak Creek, Charleston, Orlando, Pittsburgh, Poway, El Paso and now Buffalo?

We are all too aware of the crisis we are facing: The gunman in Buffalo was the latest self-appointed far right &ldquo;savior,&rdquo; allegedly posting an online screed claiming that his violence would &ldquo;encourage further attacks that will eventually start the war that will save the Western world&rdquo; and citing the virulently racist and antisemitic
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Great Replacement conspiracy theory.

Now we need solutions. We are calling on President Biden to convene a summit on hate and extremism and to develop a plan to combat hate crimes, white supremacy and violent extremism. We ask you to
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add your name to this resolution now, as we are joined by The National Urban League, League of United Latin American Citizens, Asian Americans Advancing Justice &mdash; AAJC and the National Action Network in calling for action.

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We Need a National Summit on Extremism!

Here in Buffalo, ADL has been meeting with law enforcement including local police and federal officials to provide much-needed expertise on the ideology of the shooter based on the manifesto posted online, as well as the hateful slogans scrawled on his gun and other insights into his white supremacist views. We and our partners from the Secure Community Network are also providing support to Jewish organizations that will look to improve their security.

We know that it can be difficult in the wake of a tragedy like this to help students make sense of something as horrific as the Buffalo massacre, and how extremists are scapegoating Jews and other groups in their hateful language. Our Education team has put together a resource for those with young people in your lives &mdash; parents, educators and others &mdash; so you can have these critically important conversations in the days and weeks ahead. We encourage you to use
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this set of suggestions and talking points when you do.

We will be providing information and resources in the days to come, so please check back frequently on
[link removed] Thank you for joining with ADL to show solidarity with the grieving people of Buffalo, and to call for action now to disrupt extremism and Fight Hate for Good.

Scott Richman
New York-New Jersey Regional Director

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