Tell President Trump and Congress: white supremacists don't belong in the White House--Stephen Miller must be fired.

Fighting: White Supremacy
Stephen Miller
White supremacy in the White House? Nope.
Stephen Miller must go

We know you agree—Stephen Miller must go.

President Trump MUST fire the White House advisor for propagating racist, neo-Nazi, and anti-immigrant sentiments. Bigotry and division should not—and cannot—be part of just another day at the White House, but Miller's leaked emails show heinous, indisputable proof of the same.

Every single second that he holds his position is a betrayal of our national ideals of justice, equality, and fairness... a betrayal of our democracy.

Speak up now and tell the president and Congress: Stephen Miller must be fired, no matter what.

Miller has been on a relentless anti-civil rights rampage since the very beginning, including supporting the Muslim ban, family separation, and a ban on transgender people serving in the military—and his stance has no doubt contributed to the alarming rise of hate crimes and hate-fueled murders in recent history.

Until he is removed from the White House and the president abandons his anti-civil rights agenda, this administration will continue to be responsible for the violence fueled by hate.

Join us today in putting an end to Miller's racist, deadly agenda.

—The Leadership Conference
1620 L Street NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20036 | (202) 466-3311
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