Good news: We are going into the Thanksgiving break with a TON of momentum. We are surging to the top of early state polls and in a solid second nationally. We have the most donors and the most volunteers.
And, of course, we have the best candidate with the best ideas.
Bad news: This week is the hardest week of the campaign for fundraising. And November is tough generally. So we’re a bit short of where we had hoped to be at this point in the month. Not great.
The good news is that we’re close. And if we can have a good last day before Thanksgiving, we’d feel a lot better going into the holiday. So we’re asking:
When we come out of Thanksgiving, Iowa will be almost 2 months away. This is it. This is the time.
And if we keep fighting, we’re going to win. We’re going to beat Trump. And we’re going to transform this country.
All my best,
Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager