Future Forum PAC


For decades, pollution has disproportionately harmed low-income and marginalized communities, who giant polluters view as powerless.

Folks, these communities are not powerless, and their voices will be heard.

By creating the Office of Environmental Justice, the Biden Administration is centering marginalized communities and ramping up enforcement of laws that protect people from environmental hazards.

Elections matter. Republicans do not care about bringing justice to those who have been historically marginalized. Democrats do, and we’re seeing how Democrats in power can bring justice to these communities. If you support the Biden Administration’s efforts in righting the wrongs of the past, please sign your name and support the Office of Environmental Justice.


50 years after redlining ended, 45 million Americans are still breathing dirty air – with Black people nearly four times as likely to die from exposure to pollution than white people, according to studies published as recently as 2017.

It is simply wrong to force any American to live, work or send their kids to school in a neighborhood that carries an unfair share of environmental hazards. Please add your name and support the Office of Environmental Justice.


Future Forum

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