John, nothing is enough for Biden and his Far Left allies in Congress.
They spent $3 trillion on "coronavirus relief" and "infrastructure" bills last year that had little to do with coronavirus or infrastructure ...
... and now they want to spend another $60 BILLION.
There's no doubt in my mind that this spending spree will be as useless to the American people as the last two.
Like those two bills, this package will increase inflation, which is already at a 40 year high.
The truth is Joe Biden and his handlers have no plan to help us get out of this financial mess.
All they do is take so they can push through their radical agenda.
They don't ask themselves how they can serve you, but instead plot and scheme to steal as much as they can from you and your family.
And I want to know, John...
Would you support a government spending freeze until the most pressing problems facing our country are resolved?