Dear John,


Our communities deserve to be together and thrive together, and I’m honored to be part of a team that works every day to make this a reality.

We know that this administration—along with ICE and private prison companies—see Texas, the most incarcerated state in the country, as a testing ground for new policies that further criminalize, harm, and separate our communities. We saw it happen in 2018 when racist and anti-immigrant sentiments took hold of our hometowns and flooded every corner of the internet. 

But here’s just a glimpse of what Grassroots Leadership did this year to fight back:

  • We strengthened our relationships with our community through ICE out of Austin, Texas Advocates for Justice, and with women formerly detained at T. Don Hutto detention center 

  • We won local campaigns that offer key insight to other communities across the country that share the same vision of a world without borders, bars, and cages

  • We helped release 5 people from detention through our community bond fund and provided support for food, clothes, and travel to reunite them with their loved ones

  • We fought for and won the establishment of a public defender’s office in Travis County 

And as we enter the new decade in 2020, we’re excited to introduce a participatory defense program in Travis County to ensure those most targeted by our unjust criminal laws are supported by their community.

I hope you can join me by giving to a team that is building the community we need in Texas to not just change policies that harm us, but create a world that sees our community the way I see it.

Help us make a difference for thousands more by making your gift today.


In solidarity,


Claudia Muñoz 

Interim Executive Co-director


NOTE: If you have saved your payment information with FastAction, your contribution will go through immediately on clicking a link. 

Thank you for believing in the work we are doing and the world we are trying to build. We couldn’t do it without you.

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