From Republican Jewish Coalition <[email protected]>
Subject RJC E-Newsletter for November 27, 2019
Date November 27, 2019 6:01 PM
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— Featured —

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RJC Florida Kick-Off Event With Newt Gingrich

Last Thursday afternoon, the RJC held a massive event in Florida featuring former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. More than 1200 people came out to hear Speaker Gingrich's remarks on the 2020 elections and what they mean for the Jewish community. The crowd was proud and loud in support of President Donald Trump and his achievements in office.

The Palm Beach Postreports <[link removed]>:

But speaking to the overflow crowd at a the Plantation synagogue... Gingrich... predicted Trump would win a “crushing reelection” next year. He projected Trump would capture between 470 and 480 electoral votes out of a possible 538, and he said Republicans would add seats to their Senate majority and take back the House, too.

“I’m not here to suggest to you that everything Donald Trump does makes sense,” he told the crowd, to chuckles. “But, if you measure achievements ...” Gingrich started, before shouts of “Yes!” from attendees in wooden pews and a deafening applause cut him-off.

Billionaire Home Depot founder and Trump supporter Bernie Marcus had introduced Gingrich, noting: “The Democratic Party is slowly but surely turning anti-Semitic and anti-Israel at the same time.”

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This event kicked off the RJC's aggressive outreach effort in Florida, which will be a key battleground state in this election. The Palm Beach Post article continues <[link removed]>: 

Florida figures prominently in a $10 million campaign to win the Jewish vote, RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks told the Post, adding that Gov. Ron DeSantis won 36 percent of the Jewish vote in Florida in 2018.

Florida has an estimated 620,000 Jewish voters, representing 4 percent to 6 percent of the electorate in a state that Trump won by only 1.2 percent in 2016, an RJC official said. “It’s great to be with so many Jewish Republicans who support the most pro-Israel president ever in history,” said Brooks to applause. After listing the names of prominent Democrats, pausing in between each to allow for loud boos from the audience, he continued: “Ladies and gentlemen, this isn’t our parents’ Democratic party.”

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Maale Adumim, four miles west of Jerusalem

106 Democratic Congressmen Sign Letter Condemning Trump Reversal on Settlements

JTA reports <[link removed]>: 

More than 100 Democrats in the US House of Representatives sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, calling on him to “immediately” reverse the decision to declare that West Bank settlements are not illegal.

The letter, led by Rep. Andy Levin of Michigan, was signed by 106 congressmen, including 12 committee chairs.

“This announcement, following the administration’s decision to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem outside of a negotiated agreement; its closure of the Palestinian mission in Washington, DC and US Consulate in Jerusalem; and its halting of aid Congress appropriated to the West Bank and Gaza, has discredited the United States as an honest broker between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, severely damaged prospects for peace, and endangered the security of America, Israel, and the Palestinian people,” the letter said.

...The letter is backed by the liberal Jewish organization J Street.

In other words, 106 Democrats in Congress are on the record opposing President Trump's pro-Israel policies, including the President's decision to stop American taxpayer dollars from going to Fatah and Hamas terrorists who kill innocent Americans and Israelis. 

Did your congressman sign the letter? Read the whole thing and see the signatures here. <[link removed]>

CNS News quoted <[link removed]> RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks's response to the Congressional letter:

Strong support for Israel has historically been bipartisan in the House of Representatives, but after 46 percent of the Democratic members signed the letter, Republican Jewish Coalition executive director Matt Brooks provocatively tweeted on Sunday, “There is only 1 pro-Israel party and it’s the GOP.”

Further reading: Douglas J. Feith has a strong defense of the President's pro-Israel policy in National Review this week. He writes <[link removed]>: 

It was not radical for [Secretary of State Mike] Pompeo to revive the Reagan policy. What was radical — and what impeded diplomatic progress — was the Obama administration’s return to Carter’s legalistic criticism of Israel.

...Pompeo drew the line prudently. He repudiated the unconstructive Carter-Obama policy by rejecting the claim of illegality. He bolstered Israel’s legitimacy. And he kept open the issue of how the parties should divide the West Bank in a peace deal, except to say that they should do so through mutual agreement.


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March 13-15 in Las Vegas: RJC National Leaders are invited for a terrific weekend of politics, policy, and poker at the fabulous Venetian/Palazzo Resort and Hotel. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from – and be heard by – some of the country’s foremost politicians, policy makers, and leaders, including featured speaker Ambassador Nikki Haley. It’s time to reserve your spot! Visit <[link removed]> for details and reservations. (This event is open to RJC Leaders; Leadership dues begin at the $1,000 donor level.)

• The Republican Jewish Coalition is hiring field staff for our advocacy efforts in support of President Donald J. Trump’s reelection in various battleground states.CLICK HERE <[link removed]> for details and application information. 

• The RJC PAC has endorsed a terrific slate of House and Senate incumbents, and we need them to continue their work on Capitol Hill! CLICK HERE to donate through the RJC PAC portal and show your support for our great candidates! <[link removed]>

And don't forget your RJC/Trump kippah!
Our extremely popular red Trump kippah is now for sale for just $18. This includes shipping and handling. Supplies are limited. 

BUY YOUR KIPPAH HERE. <[link removed]>

— Short Takes —

Rising GOP star thrust into spotlight with Trump defense <[link removed]>The Hill notes:

"Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) has long been lauded by GOP leaders as a rising star in the party, and her new role as one of President Trump’s chief defenders during the impeachment hearings has thrust her into the national spotlight.

"But with that higher profile comes concerns from some Republicans that her shift toward becoming a highly visible Trump ally could make her a bigger target for Democrats in 2020."

Click here <> to support Rep. Elise Stefanik's reelection campaign.

— Tweets —

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— Events —

Sandy Spring, GA - December 8, 2019

RSVP <[link removed]>

Hanukkah Reception with Sen. Ted Cruz
Bellaire, TX - December 16, 2019

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Las Vegas, NV - March 13-15, 2020

REGISTER TODAY <[link removed]>

Republican Jewish Coalition - 50 F St NW, Suite 100, Washington, DC 20001, United States
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