Hi Jack!
Last weekend, I put 753 miles on my car, traveling from Hope to De Queen to Stamps and then back home to Lowell.
I know that to win the race to be the next Lt. Governor of Arkansas, we need to mobilize voters in every corner of the state -- and that means I’m surely going to be racking up the miles over the next six months.
One of my favorite things to talk about on the campaign trail is my experience and why I’m qualified to serve as the second-highest-ranking elected official in the state.
If you’ve been following along (and I know you have because you're someone who opens and reads almost all of our emails -- thank you for that!!), you know I’m the mom of a big family, a former foster parent, a children’s book author, and an MSW grad.
I know my experience isn’t traditional -- people often tell me what I do is impressive and say that they could never be a foster and adoptive mom. Then in the next breath, after telling me I have the most important job in the whole world, they’ll question my experience.
So let’s talk about why parenting *is* experience.
As Lt. Gov, I’d focus on things like efficiency and civility -- and as the mom of SEVEN boys, the skills I've gained over the years translate very clearly into state government.
We’re talking about conflict management, negotiations, and logistics skills. Do you know what goes into feeding this crew and the mental load required to help run a family of this size? This gives me a unique insight into what people across our state are going through -- and it’s why I’m MORE than qualified to represent Arkansans.