I just left a meeting with Maura, so I wanted to give you a quick update on where we’re at.

Maura Healey for Governor

I just left a meeting with Maura, so I wanted to give you a quick update on where we’re at.

The state Democratic Convention is in just a few, short weeks. At the Convention, delegates will vote on which candidates the State Party will endorse. This is a big opportunity for our campaign to clinch their important endorsement and grow our grassroots movement.

Maura just gave the green light to kick our Convention Plan into high gear. There are two key line items that need your support. Today YOU get to choose which piece of our plan your donation will fund. Chip in $5 today and pick where you’d like it to go here:

Signs & Buttons

Signs and buttons play an important role at the Convention. Not only do they give Team Healey supporters a chance to show off their pride, but they also show people just how vast our grassroots movement is and can inspire others to join our team. We want the Convention hall to look like a sea of Team Healey signs and buttons – but that means we’ve got to put in a very big order and we need your support to cover the printing costs.

Donate now to pay for signs & buttons »


To win the state party’s endorsement, we have to reach as many delegates as possible and explain why Maura’s the best choice for Governor. We’ve got to run phone banks, train volunteers, and more – and we need the resources to do it. Your $5 donation would be instrumental in funding our organizing program and helping Maura earn the state party’s endorsement.

Donate now to fuel our organizing program »

No matter which program you choose to support, our team can’t thank you enough. Both parts of our Convention Plan are important to winning this critical endorsement and growing our grassroots movement.

Thanks for all you do,

Maura’s Campaign Manager