Ilhan for Congress

Ilhan Omar

Hi there, it’s Ilhan and Barbara Lee, the OG progressive from CA-12!


We’re adding you to our group chat because our mid-quarter fundraising deadline is coming up and we’re counting on your support to build progressive power up and down the ballot.

Barbara Lee
Ilhan Omar

With so much at stake in the midterms, we need to hit each and every one of our fundraising goals to ensure we have the organizing power to win re-election, expand our coalition of progressive champions, and defend our Democratic majority.


We answer to you — not corporations — so we’ll never accept a penny from corporate PACs that are dead-set on blocking our progress and preserving the status quo.

Barbara Lee
Ilhan Omar

But that means we need to work even harder for the grassroots momentum to power our movement — especially as we fight against the GOP fundraising machine. I was just outraised by my conservative primary opponent — and if 2020 was any indication, millions in GOP spending could be coming my way soon.


And a Kevin McCarthy-allied super PAC just poured $125 million into ad buys to take back the House majority. With everything from reproductive rights to the future of our planet on the line, we have to fight back.

Barbara Lee
Ilhan Omar

That’s why we’re reaching out today. Could you split a donation of any amount between Barbara and my campaign so we can defend our majority and keep fighting for our shared progressive priorities in Congress?


If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will immediately be split between Barbara Lee and Ilhan Omar:

— Ilhan Omar & Barbara Lee