We’re just a couple weeks into our campaign to flip FL-21 from blue to red, and I’ll be honest - this weekend has the potential to be a difficult one for us.
Here’s why: the Left plans on mobilizing an entire army of activists TODAY to try to go against both the Supreme Court AND Congress in demanding that their out-of-step, radical, late-term abortion agenda goes through.

You may recall that I took on the radial mob once before. When the mob confronted me in Washington, D.C. after the Republican National Convention, they thought they could intimidate me. They saw my prosthetics, they saw that I moved slower than everybody else, and they surrounded me.

But after losing two legs and a finger to radical Islamic terrorists in Afghanistan, I certainly wasn’t going to be intimidated walking around in my own country!
But, just a couple weeks into this new FL-21 campaign, we also just got word that our fundraising numbers for the month are lagging behind…

This could be especially brutal because FL-21 is represented by a Democrat right now, and we are doing everything we can to turn it red. But thousands of voters in this district will be brand new voters who have never seen my name on a ballot before. That means we need to work extra hard to reach these folks before election day.

If we fail, Schumer, Pelosi and Biden could keep total control of the Swamp. And they’ll undoubtedly bow to the pressure of the far-left mob by scrapping the filibuster, packing the Supreme Court and doing anything they can to codify unlimited, on-demand, taxpayer-funded killing of the unborn!

That’s what’s at stake if we miss our next fundraising goal tomorrow. So, if you want to avoid that fate, can I personally count on you for even just a quick $15 contribution today?
Thank you for the support,
SSG Brian Mast, U.S. Army (ret.)