
The leak of Justice Alito’s draft majority opinion overturning Roe v. Wade was a blatant attack on our entire judicial system meant to intimidate the justices and every single American who believes in protecting unborn babies in the womb.

Already the progressive Left’s political machine has ramped up the rhetoric and is threatening to end the filibuster, pack the Court, create a federal right to abortion-on-demand, and pour money into the states to make this the #1 voting issue in November.

For those of us who believe in protecting life, we must not blink. We must stand united because the lives of untold millions of our fellow human beings are worth fighting for.

As one of the largest and most influential Christian voter organizations in America, My Faith Votes will now be doubling down our efforts at the state level, and going on the offensive in Washington, D.C. with a focus on the U.S. Senate.

Please stand with us right now by making an EMERGENCY DONATION of whatever you can afford.


For many of us, this is the moment we’ve been praying for for much of our lives.

For decades, the pro-abortion extremists gained ground at the detriment of 62 million lives. But not anymore.

The whole ground just shifted, and we cannot get comfortable or let them intimidate us.

Thank you for your time, and I hope you will help with an emergency donation of any amount right now.

United We Stand.

Mike Huckabee
Honorary National Chairman
My Faith Votes

625 First Street #183, Alexandria, VA 22314