
This isn’t an email I’d hoped to have to send, but I tested positive for COVID-19. Thankfully, my entire staff and I are vaccinated and boosted, feeling well, and following CDC recommendations. With some time and rest, we'll be back at it soon.

I’ll be honest, though: This is a bit of a setback. Out of caution for the health and safety of others, we have already canceled a number of events with Iowa voters – many of which will be difficult or impossible to reschedule, though we will try.

And in a campaign against a 47-year incumbent like Chuck Grassley, every conversation with voters is going to matter if we’re going to defeat him and turn Iowa blue.

In order to make up for what I’m not going to be able to do in person for the next several days, we’re planning to launch more digital ads to reach Iowa voters. But it’s going to take extra resources to fund. If we’re going to defeat Chuck Grassley and expand our Democratic Senate majority this November, we need to raise another $15,000 before midnight tonight to keep getting our message out. There’s no way around it.

Chuck Grassley has taken millions of dollars from special interests and their corporate PACs, but not me. I rely 100% on grassroots donors like you. With all of my in-person campaigning and events on pause, we absolutely cannot afford to fall short if I’m going to win, so I’m truly counting on you more than ever.

I can’t do it without your help now. Please, may I count on you to chip in $5 or more right now – whatever you can afford to spare – to help me hit our emergency goal, defeat Chuck Grassley, and expand our Democratic Senate majority this November?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Whatever you can give will go a long way.

Thanks for everything you do,

Mike Franken, U.S. Navy (ret.)