Make no mistake. Putting your Senators on notice is just the first step.
If the Supreme Court follows its draft decision and overturns Roe in late June or July, their decision will trigger extreme and vicious anti-abortion laws outlawing or criminalizing abortion in 24 states.
No exception for rape. No exception for incest. Some have no exception to save the life of the woman.
Don’t think for a moment that if you live in a “blue” or safe state you don’t have to worry. Wrong!
Senator Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has already pledged that if Republicans regain control of the Senate in the mid-terms he’ll press for a federal, nationwide ban on abortion. The reproductive rights of every woman in every state will be wiped out.
I’ll be writing you shortly to outline the steps we can all take to make sure we keep Democratic pro-choice control of the House and increase Democratic pro-choice numbers in the Senate.
Meanwhile, please rush your messages to your Senators.
Thank you for helping save women’s lives,
Eleanor Smeal
President, Feminist Majority |
P.S. Please don’t delay. Send your messages to your Senators today. Thank you.