Sign Up for FREE: The Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation Online Global Summit

Every year, the Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation Global Summit is the best place for allies and advocates like you to get connected into the latest data, trends, and action opportunities while networking with leaders in the movement from across the world.

Today is the day to block off your calendar for September 13-17, 2022, and to reserve your spot. (Did we already mention it's free?)

"Protecting Your Children from Online Pornography": Interview with Author and Expert Dr. John D. Foubert

Dr. Foubert: "The most important message I want readers to walk away with is that they are their children’s greatest hope to fight back against the rampant availability of pornography that will, one way or another, be viewed by their kids. Parents have a right to fight back, and a responsibility to do so in a way that will be effective. I believe that raising our kids so that they can talk about anything they want with us and regularly asking them questions about what they are viewing online and whether they have seen pornography is a critical piece of the anti-pornography puzzle."

What I Learned About the "Web of Exploitation" Changed How I Understood Sexual Abuse

Abigail Thorpe: "There are so many ways that different forms of sexual abuse and exploitation are intertwined. It may seem overwhelming to take on so many different challenges but, in what was probably the most important lesson I learned during my time interning at NCOSE, we are able to make a difference when we speak out for truth and justice and defend one another’s human dignity." 

Ten of the Best Resources to Help People Who Want to Stop Buying Sex

No matter who you are, you can play a pivotal role in addressing the demand of sex buyers and helping to end sex trafficking.

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