Hey there, team --

I know you’re probably busy, especially with the holiday coming up tomorrow. Sharla and I are getting some work done on the farm and I realize it's a busy week for everyone. So, I want you to know right off the bat how much I appreciate you opening this email in the first place.

You might not know this, but the majority of our donations come from everyday folks like you giving whatever they can to make a difference. In fact, the average donation to emails like this one is just $17.46.

November has been a tough month for fundraising. People would rather focus on the holidays and spend time with family than read another email from a politician. Trust me, I get it.

But the cold, hard truth is we can’t afford to slow down on our fundraising -- not even for a second. Whether or not we meet our end-of-month goal on Saturday will determine if we have the resources we need to head into the new year ready for the work ahead.

My team just let me know that unless we see a heavy uptick in online donations before Saturday, we’ll miss this goal altogether.

So, can I count on you to donate $5, $10, whatever you can to help us hit this target? Every dollar you give allows me to stay focused on doing my job in the Senate -- not dialing for dollars.

Donate now

The response to emails just like this one is always so incredible. I’ll tell ya what -- a lot of my colleagues in the Senate don’t have the benefit of being able to rely on supporters like you. I can’t tell ya how grateful I am to have you by my side.

I really hope you know how much your support means to me.

— Jon