With the Supreme Court’s far-right majority poised to overturn Roe v. Wade, the constitutional right to abortion is under threat across the country like it has not been for generations.
The right-wing is emboldened. Mitch McConnell is already saying that a national abortion ban is “possible” if Republicans win back Congress. At the state level, Republican-led legislatures are busily enacting extreme new restrictions. Louisiana is moving forward with a bill that would make abortion a homicide.
Justice Alito's leaked draft opinion exposed the sham that the current Court is anything other than the judicial arm of the Republican Party and its dark-money backers.
One by one, these Republican justices came before the Senate and told us that Roe was settled law and the precedent of the Court. They said just what they had to say to get through the confirmation process. With lifetime appointments secured, they’re now free to deliver for the Republican Party and tell us that actually, they’ve just decided Roe was “egregiously wrong from the start.”
Judges are supposed to follow precedents for good reason. If this brazenly political Court is willing to shred precedent for Roe, it’s unlikely to stop there.
Abortion is just one aspect of the decades-long project to capture our courts. The shady special interests also want to let Big Polluters off the hook for fueling the climate crisis and prevent people from voting.
In this environment, congressional action is our best check against the dark-money special interests that have captured the Supreme Court. With the midterms coming up soon and so much on the line, one thing's clear: We've got to elect enough pro-choice Democrats to protect Roe.
I'm fighting every day to elect more Democrats and expand our Senate majority. It's the best way to defeat the dark-money special interests coming after abortion rights and preventing progress on so many issues. Please, will you join me in this fight by making a donation of $5 or more to my campaign now?
Thank you,