
I want you to close your eyes for a minute. Imagine this:

You wake up on November 9 and you turn on the TV. As you’re making your coffee and getting ready to head to work, news outlets start reporting that Democrats have lost the Senate majority by just a few thousand votes.

Now all of our hard-won progress is about to be rolled back.

Under Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Republicans are able to pass national abortion restrictions through Congress, start launching baseless investigations into Democrats, and halt all of President Biden’s progress.

For now, John, that’s just a bad dream. But with right-wing groups pouring in millions of dollars to hand the Senate back to Mitch McConnell, we need to make sure that’s not our reality come November 9.

So I’m personally asking: Will you chip in now to support the powerful work of Defend the Senate? They’ve set a goal of reaching 1,000 additional donors ahead of Sunday night’s mid-quarter fundraising deadline, but it’s going to take all of us working together to get there. Please, pitch in today:

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If we lose just one seat in November, our Senate majority is GONE and the gavel goes back into the hands of Mitch McConnell.

You and I both know what a nightmare that would be — which is why we need to get to work now to help defend incumbents like Raphael Warnock, flip open GOP-held seats in states like Pennsylvania, and defeat Republicans like Ron Johnson.

These are not easy fights — but they’re fights worth having. And with your help, we will come out on top.

Thanks in advance for pitching in to help,

James Carville