Hi Friend,

Too many schools are prioritizing indoctrination over academic instruction and encouraging children to view their country and their own parents as enemies.

Teachers unions and woke school board members want teachers and students to focus on divisive ideologies rather than reading and math instruction.

The pandemic exposed the ugly truth that, in our government-run public schools, students often come last.

Unfortunately, President Joe Biden is okay with this. He told a group of teachers and union leaders last month that kids belong to them in the classroom.
“They are all our children. They are not somebody else’s children. They’re like yours when they’re in the classroom.”
- President Joe Biden
Parents have a right to know what their children are being taught and to set limits.

Yet calls for curriculum transparency by parents are labeled as “attacks from political extremists” by the head of the nation’s largest teachers union. 
“[Teachers] need support to help our kids recover, not attacks from political extremists who make their jobs harder.”
- Randi Weingarten, president, American Federation of Teachers​​
Parents need leverage. They deserve more control and better options when it comes to their children’s education. We should empower parents to know and control what their children are exposed to in classrooms. We should also fund students — not bureaucracies.

We need YOU to join us in speaking up for parents’ rights, choices, and freedoms… and demanding that government-run schools put KIDS FIRST.

Share your thoughts or your story today.
It’s time to give parents a choice in how and where their children learn. And it’s time to allow education funding to follow students.


Ginny Gentles
Director, Education Freedom Center