Dear John
It’s not every day that the UK government admits it was wrong.
But together we’ve forced it to admit that it acted unlawfully by not properly considering the impact on vulnerable people in its flagship Heat and Buildings Strategy.
This rare concession came just after our people-powered legal team was given permission to challenge the strategy by the High Court – so massive thanks to everyone who’s chipped in to support them.
The best news is that the government says it will now carry out the much-needed equality assessment of its strategy.
We’ll keep a close eye on its progress to make sure it does the right thing by protected groups – like disabled people, people of colour and the elderly. Because evidence shows they’re disproportionately hit by rising energy bills and poor insulation.
However, we’re still taking the government to court over its woefully inadequate plans to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions.
Exactly 6 months ago today the UK government signed the Glasgow Climate Pact. It was meant to keep us on track for a maximum 1.5 degrees of global heating. But Boris Johnson and his team seem determined to hit snooze on the climate crisis.
So, to mark today’s anniversary of the agreement can you tweet the prime minister to remind him of his promises? And wake the government up from the crisis it’s walking into.