This tenured professor is fighting for her right to free speech after university tried to cancel her



Dr. Elizabeth Weiss is a fully tenured anthropology professor at San Jose State University. Despite her provocative, long-held views on repatriation, she has drawn praise and support from her colleagues throughout her career.

However, after the release of her book on the same topic, writes Brittany Hunter, Dr. Weiss was suddenly branded a racist and white supremacist.

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Washington Post: Asian students are victims of Montgomery County’s achievement gap


It’s one thing to want to help students of different ethnicities achieve academic success. But it’s quite another—and quite illegal—to penalize other top-performing students in the process, based on their skin color.

Carol Park details the cold and sad truth of one Maryland school district that’s using Asian American students as scapegoats for its own failure to educate many of its black and Hispanic students.

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The Hill: Massachusetts grandmother lost her savings to tax foreclosure law


white house

When Deborah Foss, a 66-year-old grandmother in New Bedford, Mass., bought her home in 2015, she expected to reside in its comfort and security for the rest of her life. But by February of this year, she was living in her car.

Christina Martin explains what went wrong.

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