Twitter erupts after Marjorie
Taylor Greene likens pro-choice protestors to Jan. 6
Hi, it’s Marcus Flowers, Democrat and Army Veteran running for
Congress against Marjorie Taylor Greene.
My opponent took to Twitter this week to compare pro-choice
activists protesting the Supreme Court’s alleged decision to overturn
Roe v Wade to the insurrectionists who attacked our Capitol on January
“Will the DOJ be issuing arrest
warrants for abortion protesters trying to intimidate Justices to
change their minds on overturning Roe? Do laws matter anymore or just
politics?” —Marjorie Taylor Greene
Here’s what Marjorie Taylor Greene doesn’t understand: Peaceful
protests are protected by the First Amendment. Storming Congress and
trying to murder people is not.
I’m running for Congress because I’ve been disheartened by
what happened on that fateful day when Donald Trump and Marjorie
Taylor Greene incited a riot over the “Big Lie.”
less than two weeks until Georgians head to the polls, I have to ask:
Will you make a grassroots donation of $20 or more right now to help
me defeat Marjorie Taylor Greene once and for all?
Thanks for your support,
Marcus Flowers
Paid for by
Marcus for Georgia PO Box 532 Rome, GA 30162 United