Oswego Finance Director Mark Horton to retire in June
Village plans public reception for May 20
After more than 31 years of service in the public sector, the Village of Oswego?s Finance Director Mark Horton will retire on June 10.
Growing up in Oswego, Horton attended Oswego High School then received a B.S. in accounting from Arizona State University. He launched his career with a financial firm that performed audits for public bodies, worked for the City of Wheaton for more than 11 years, and has served the Village for the past 12 years.
Horton has not only managed the Village?s finances, but also serves as Village treasurer, police pension fund treasurer, and police pension fund trustee. In addition to helping lead the Village out of several severe economic downturns in the last few decades, he has stabilized and improved finances through conservative and creative budgeting practices. During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Horton used his excellent forecasting and budgeting skills to ensure the Village was able to maintain the same level of services to the community despite economic uncertainty.
?Mark has worked tirelessly to manage Oswego?s tax dollars wisely, making the most of revenues and holding the line on expenditures,? said Village President Troy Parlier. ?Mark has been indispensable to me and the community. He has provided valued input on every major decision we have made.?
His dedication and commitment to excellence have been recognized nationally by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). A Triple Crown Medallion winner, Horton has secured the GFOA?s Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting award and the Distinguished Budget Presentation award for more than 10 consecutive years, as well as awards for the Village?s Popular Annual Financial Report.
??Over the years, it?s been extremely rewarding to work with Oswego?s dedicated and talented staff members, as well as the village president and board members,? said Finance Director Mark Horton. ?I?m grateful for the opportunity to use my skills, creativity and sense of humor to leave Oswego?s finances better than I found them?
A public reception will be held on Friday, May 20 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. with remarks at 4 p.m. at Village Hall, 100 Parkers Mill Place.
Horton?s last day will be June 10. He plans to spend more time with his wife and two daughters, as well as continuing to officiate high school and college basketball games.
Horton's dedication and commitment to excellence have been recognized nationally by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). A Triple Crown Medallion winner, Horton has secured the GFOA?s Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting award and the Distinguished Budget Presentation award for more than 10 consecutive years, as well as awards for the Village?s Popular Annual Financial Report. |
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