We are proud to celebrate our seniors.
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Dear John,

Our network is overjoyed to celebrate this year's class of NeW seniors! It has been such a privilege to work with these leaders during their time in college as they fight for conservative voices and intellectual diversity on their campuses. We are excited to see everything each of them go on to accomplish in the workplace and in their communities and know they will keep representing conservative women well.

This class of NeW seniors is the largest yet with more than 50 women graduating. Some are heading off to graduate school for degrees in law, political science, accounting, counseling, and theology. Others have landed jobs in education, nursing, engineering, hospitality, politics, media, and more. We are proud of the accomplishments of these women and the impact they will have. 

Click on the video to see some of our amazing seniors.

Read what some of our seniors had to say about their experience with NeW.
"NeW is important to me because I believe it fosters another generation of independent, conservative women. NeW gives many young women the confidence they need to tell their political beliefs in such a harsh world. I believe that NeW is the leading organization for the next generation of conservative women." - Grace Silicato, NeW at Colorado State University
"NeW is important to me because it is a place that women who have conservative beliefs can come together and learn from each other in a judgment-free zone. We all have similar values, but we can also respect each other's differences and opinions and learn from each other while doing so! NeW equips us with resources to educate ourselves and to be the best that we can possibly be." - Mattie Hooker, NeW at the University of Mississippi
"NeW has given me ample opportunities to express myself and to implement social change on my campus and that is a debt I will never be able to repay...It is so important to be a free thinker and my NeW sisters have pushed me to challenge myself so I can challenge others." - Shakira Jackson, NeW at the University of Pittsburgh, Bradford

These seniors have done so much to further the conservative movement on their college campuses. We are proud of their accomplishments and look forward to seeing them excel. 

Congratulations Class of 2022!

Best wishes,

Kathryn Alford 
NeW Communications Director

Announcing the NeW National Women's Summit

The Network of enlightened Women is pleased to announce our National Women’s Summit will be held on Friday, June 24 at The Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC. We've revamped our traditional conference format to focus on recruiting college students interning in DC for the summer to attend this event full of engaging, content-rich sessions. Attendees will get to join the community of conservative women that make up NeW, become better educated on policy issues, and learn skills to advance professionally.

Our National Women’s Summit will gather experts on a variety of policy topics for “Empowered Talks”—mini sessions with a high-level overview of policy subjects to give young women the information they need to know. In 10 minute policy talks, our speakers will make the conservative case for topics from school choice to occupational licensing reform, and attendees will feel equipped and prepared to talk about these issues with their peers. 

Additionally, from owning a seat at the table to the "how-to" of getting a job on the Hill or in a presidential administration, attendees will learn how to advance conservative ideas effectively in the workplace. Sessions will cover a range of topics to deepen their understanding of our principles, sharpen their skills, and grow their network. After lunch, attendees will have the chance to gather on the Heritage rooftop for dessert, career consultations, and resume reviews with NeW and Heritage staff members, all while admiring the great views of our capital city.

Following this event, young women will return to their campus, place of work, and community more educated, equipped, and empowered than ever to defend conservatism, make the case for important policy issues, and be a leader in their sphere of influence.

Know a young woman that would enjoy this free event? Would you please invite them to join this premier summit for conservative women. 

Exclusive scholarships are available for a select few students traveling from outside of the Washington, DC area.

Learn more about the National Women's Summit
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