The Labor Department's producer price index rose by 11% in April compared with a year ago and 0.5% compared with March. Core PPI increased by 0.6% for the month and 6.9% for the past 12 months.
ScanSource's growth is fueled by "the whole focus around specialization" and hybrid services, says President John Eldh, who defines hybrid as "some combination of client hardware, software, connectivity and cloud services."
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Too often, companies focus on day-to-day customer-service problems and fail to truly grasp the overall customer experience, write Jonathan Byrnes and John Wass of Profit Isle. "The customer service measures that really count are those that reflect what the customer is actually experiencing, not what you're experiencing in your operations," they write.
Helping customers think through their challenges and opportunities are part of the value salespeople bring to the table, but they also need to be clear on how their product or service can bring solutions, writes David Brock. "Once we've incited them to change, we create the greatest value when we help them navigate the process to completion, helping them address issues of indecision, re-prioritization, alignment, or losing interest," Brock writes.
The Partnership to Protect Workplace Opportunity, which consists of more than 90 industry groups, has asked Labor Secretary Marty Walsh to halt proposed changes to federal overtime regulations. The partnership argues that the changes would hinder businesses already struggling with inflation and supply chain disruptions and would make it more difficult for companies to track hours worked by remote employees.
CEOs should collaborate with their team, but they are also the one person who can make tough decisions on strategy, finances and other important matters, writes Todd Ordal. "And as CEO, you'll need to be chief detective (where are we broken?), chief decision maker (what sequence will I fix these in?), and head cheerleader (why aren't we 'good' yet after fixing links one and two?)," Ordal writes.
Leaders who unlock employee passion rather than employee engagement understand that intrinsic motivation is more desirable than external motivators such as pay or praise, writes Naphtali Hoff. "Look beyond people's knowledge, talents and experiences to see what makes them tick and what kind of work will really get them going," Hoff writes.