Hello John

Yep you read that right, a date for the September Rebellion has been booked in!


On the same day that the Public Order Bill was tabled in the Queen’s Speech this week, UK Met Office researchers said there’s now around a fifty-fifty chance that the world will warm by more than 1.5C over the next five years. The only possible response to this news is to push back even harder on a government more intent on shutting down dissent than acting on the climate and ecological crisis. So, starting on September 10th, we will rebel on the streets in huge numbers.


There’s a lot to do for our demands to be met. We need to grow our movement - not just in numbers, but in strength, vision and trust - and the next four months are crucial. 


So put 10th September in your diary, book a week or two off work, and start planning for the biggest Rebellion yet! Join the Rebellion Broadcast below and stay up to date with updates and how you can get involved.

We’re working on a pathway that will strengthen the links between recruitment, trainings, affinity groups, and actions, so that we can arrive at the September rebellion stronger than ever. For now, get together with your Local Group, Affinity Group or project team and start thinking about how you’re going to use the next four months to make Extinction Rebellion stronger than ever.

We know civil resistance works. It’s worked countless times before and it will work again. Faced with a government incapable of anything other than a desperate attempt to shore-up its own power and cover-up its criminality, it is the only thing we can do.

To be a bystander is not enough.




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