Greetings from the UNITED network to all our friends and allies!
This month we jump right into it. Here's what you missed:
Day of Sinti, Romani, and Roma Resistance

April 16th was the day of Sinti, Romani, and Roma resistance. This day is the anniversary of one evening in 1944, when over 6000 Roma and Sinti stood up to the Nazi SS in Auschwitz-Birkenau and delayed the liquidation of the ‘Gypsy camp’ (zigeunlager) by fighting off the soldiers sent to take them to the gas chambers.
Over quarter of a million Roma and Sinti Gypsies killed in the World War 2.
This is not only about remembering a historical event. This is about the spirit of resistance that inspires us all, and is needed now, in the rising tide of nationalist sentiment, more than ever.
UNITED Supporter Survey

We at the UNITED secretariat value your opinion highly. Therefore, we are currently conducting a survey among our supporters. Your responses show us what you are looking for in a network, what you are satisfied with and what you are currently missing. We will use your feedback to inform our strategies and make our exchange even more meaningful in the future. If you haven't done so, yet, please fill out the following survey: Click here*. It should not take longer than 15 minutes to answer.
*in case you don't see the link:
Thank you very much in advance. Let’s strengthen our network together!
Little heads up: This research is conducted by Veronika Uhl, an intern at UNITED, as part of her bachelor’s thesis. In case you get contacted by her, you can be assured it is coming from us. Of course, your data will be treated confidentially and used internally only.
Last week was Europe Day!

Europe Day is a day celebrating “peace and unity in Europe”, in commemoration of the Schuman Declaration of 9 May 1950. In a festival atmosphere, Europe Day tells the many stories of Europe and imagines a better Europe. It connects the local and the European, presents cultural solutions to European challenges, making our continent more inclusive, more democratic, more culturally aware and a better place to live.
On 9 May, Europe Day 2022, the project “Amplify: Make the Future of Europe Yours” concluded with a final event dedicated to taking action to make the voices of artists, cultural workers, activists and community leaders heard by decision-makers across Europe.
Find out more here!
The UNITED YouTube channel is now live - and with an unseen interview!

Do you remember our #FromHatetoHope campaign for the International Day Against Fascism? We held conversations with activists, writers, and leaders from the world of anti-fascism. Today we have an unaired and new interview to share with you, with a leading Roma rights activist, Marietta Herfort.
Marietta Herfort is the director of the Phiren Amenca International Network, which is a network of Roma and non-Roma volunteers and voluntary service organizations. Marietta is currently responsible for the management, coordination and representation of the network. In the previous five years her tasks were to manage and coordinate activities including the organization’s international mobility and educational programs on topics such as: human rights, discrimination and antigypsyism, Roma history, democracy and youth policy, Roma history, the Roma Holocaust or resistance. Marietta is active in human rights education and community organizing and working on building a dialogue between young people and decision-makers.
Watch the interview here!