
When I joined Admiral Mike Franken’s race against Chuck Grassley as his campaign manager, I knew what we’d be up against: Millions of dollars in Super PAC spending from Mitch McConnell.

The strategy to win became obvious. If we wanted to finally defeat Chuck Grassley and turn Iowa blue, we couldn’t wait until they started lying about Mike on TV. We had to start introducing Mike to every Iowa voter now. So that’s what we did.

We’re up on the air right now with our second TV ad (even though we don’t fully have the money in our budget…) because we have to be. There’s just no other choice.

But if we’re going to STAY on the air and actually defeat Grassley this November, we need to fill our $100,000 budget gap. And that’s why I’m emailing you today.

This is what my spreadsheet looks like:

If Mike is going to turn Iowa blue and expand our Democratic Senate majority, we need to raise another $51,509 before midnight tomorrow, and right now it looks like we might short.

Control of the Senate is on the line, but Mike’s not taking a dime of corporate PAC money so we have nowhere else to turn: Please, will you rush a donation of $5 or more right now – every dollar you can afford – to keep our ads on the air, help Admiral Mike Franken defeat Chuck Grassley, and protect our Democratic Senate majority?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you for being the lifeblood of Mike’s campaign,


Julie Stauch
Campaign Manager
Mike Franken for Iowa