Dear John,


We just helped raise $93,000 for the People’s World! Let’s build on our successes by bringing 500 people to the Poor People’s March in DC on June 18.


Make a pledge today to fight the ruling class policies of racism, poverty, militarism, ecological devastation, and assault on reproductive rights. March with thousands in our nation’s capitol to demand peace, equality, democracy and freedom!


We need 40 more pledges to reach 100 by Friday. Will you help us get there? If you cannot attend yourself, will you give $50 to help a young person get to DC?


It can’t be said enough. Changing the balance of forces in Congress will require mass mobilizations from the streets to the polls and back again. Our people are under attack. The Communist Party must be a visible force in the struggle to end the right-wing blockade in the Senate standing in the way of life-affirming legislation. This blockade is empowering the right-wing power grab over the courts, and the escalation of conflict in Ukraine. We need to help build and unite struggles to defend and expand our working class and people’s right to vote, to unionize, to reproductive choice, to peace, and a clean environment.


Organizers of the Poor Peoples’ March and Low Wage Worker Assembly say the event will be a “declaration of the power of poor and low wealth people to say this system is killing all of us."


We urge all of our clubs and districts to make plans now to attend or help a young comrade march.


If you're not in an organized district, check to see if you can come by bus or car with others. All should bring the march to the attention of your union or place of worship along with friends and neighbors. Let's march together on June 18th.


Please sign the Yes-I'm-Coming pledge today and get others to do so! Help fund someone else’s ticket! See you in D.C. Let's come 500 strong! It's time to get on the bus!


In struggle,




Communist Party USA
235 W. 23rd Street, 7th floor
New York, NY 10011
(Visits by appointment only)
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