We can’t allow the liberal media to cover up this heinous crime…


Once again, the liberal mainstream media is covering up a despicable crime.

But make no mistake, what took place right here in Wisconsin was an intentional attack of arson from hate-filled extremists targeting a pro-life group, NOT “a fire breaking out.”

Wisconsinites MUST stand against this heinous crime and the media outlets who are trying to purport a lie and bury the real story.

Which is why I’m circulating a petition to demand these media outlets retract their bogus headlines and immediately issue corrections detailing this attack by extremists.

Please add your name to my Official Petition to hold the mainstream media accountable for their continued lies and DEMAND they issue corrections on this story IMMEDIATELY.


With the Biden administration creating its very own “Ministry of Truth,” blatantly false and misleading headlines like these should worry us all.

Not only will the mainstream media lie to your face, but the government will then tell you you’re a “threat” for not believing them…

… and before you know it, you’ll be labeled “a purveyor of disinformation” all for demanding TRUTH.

But we don’t have to accept the Left’s tyranny.

It starts by fighting back against the lies and the cover ups just like the one the liberal media is trying to pull right here in Wisconsin.

So please, add your name to my Official Petition to hold the mainstream media accountable for their continued lies and DEMAND they issue corrections on this story IMMEDIATELY.

Thank you,

Rebecca Kleefisch

Rebecca Kleefisch
Former Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin
Republican Candidate for Governor

Paid for by People for Rebecca.

PO Box 628284, Middleton, WI 53562

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