Sign the petition >> Click here to stand with Justice Sonia Sotomayor and protect reproductive rights!

This is serious Friend - Trump’s extremist Supreme Court Justices just put reproductive rights on the chopping block by voting to overturn Roe v. Wade.

But Justice Sonia Sotomayor is taking a bold stand!

Sotomayor: The right of a woman to choose, the right to control her own body, has been clearly set … and never challenged … Will this institution survive the stench that this creates in the public perception that the Constitution and its reading are just political acts?

Add my name: I stand with Sonia Sotomayor! >>


We couldn’t agree more with Justice Sotomayor: the Supreme Court has IGNORED its constitutional obligation to protect women's rights.

Trump’s Republicans are going ALL IN to DESTROY Roe v. Wade!

New York Times: Florida Lawmakers vote to Ban Abortions After 15 Weeks

So we need 25,000 Democrats to STAND WITH SONIA SOTOMAYOR and show that we will not accept these far-right attacks on our rights. Will you sign on now?

Add my name: I stand with Sonia Sotomayor! >>


Thank you,


Thank you for supporting March On PAC, Friend. Our women-led team worked day and night to power Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to a historic win and flipped Georgia and the Senate BLUE!

Chip in now to elect Democrats

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This year is critical for our democracy. To stop a full-on Republican assualt, we must hold our House majority, save our Senate majority and take back control of state houses to ensure our nation represents the voices of all.

Remember: a single Senate seat or just a handful of House seats could decide the remaining years of Biden's presidency and the progressive agenda we fought so hard for. We CANNOT afford to lose!

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