From Clay Aiken <>
Subject Go time
Date May 12, 2022 3:20 PM
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Taylor is right… it’s go time. I’m giving this my all and need you by my side to cross that finish line next Tuesday.
Can I count on you?
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We have less than a week to turn out Clay voters. There’s a lot of outside forces looking to undercut NC voters in this election… EVERYTHING we do from now until next Tuesday can and will make a difference.
I’m going to stay focused and keep giving this my all… I hope you are by my side!
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Take a look at the clock, team. A week from now, we will either know who won the election or we will be really close to the final count.
I don’t want any of us watching the vote count thinking we wish we did a bit more to help Clay reach the finish line. That is why we are doubling down our efforts to connect and turn out every voter from now until Election Day.
Can we count on you? Chip in now. [[link removed]]
This is it – it’s “go time.” And everything we do from now until next Tuesday can make the difference between winning and losing.
That is why I’m personally reaching out to ask you to help in this final stretch. What do you say? Here’s the link to give – you know what to do:
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I’m excited to celebrate with you next week. Let’s go win this!
Clay is running for Congress in the North Carolina 4th. He was born, raised, and is currently raising his son in the Triangle. He's running to use his voice to speak up and stop the loudest voices on the far ends of the political spectrum from sucking up all the oxygen in our political discourse.
Donate now to join the chorus and help send Clay to Congress. [[link removed]]
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Paid for by Clay Aiken for North Carolina
Clay Aiken for North Carolina
PO Box 13274
Durham, NC 27709
United States
If you’d like to unsubscribe, we hate to see you go, but click here to unsubscribe: [link removed] .
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