From ADL International Affairs <[email protected]>
Subject The Pervasiveness of Global Anti-Semitism
Date November 27, 2019 2:32 PM
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November 2019

Top 3 ADL Actions Around the Globe


ADL Poll Highlights Pervasiveness of Global Anti-Semitism

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A new ADL global survey on anti-Semitism reveals that about one in four Europeans polled harbor pernicious and pervasive attitudes toward Jews. While anti-Semitic attitudes held mostly steady in Western Europe, the poll found hateful notions about Jews are rising in Eastern and Central European countries, where long-held tropes about Jewish control of business and finance and of &ldquo;dual loyalty&rdquo; remain widespread. The poll of 18 countries, which is part of the
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ADL Global 100: An Index of Anti-Semitism , was fielded between April and June 2019 in Eastern and Western Europe, Canada, South Africa, Argentina and Brazil. European and other countries with significant Jewish populations were selected for the 2019 survey. Using an 11-question index that has served as a benchmark for previous ADL polling around the world since 1964, the survey of more than 9,000 adults found that anti-Semitic attitudes in
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Argentina ,
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Brazil , Poland, Russia, South Africa and Ukraine have seen marked increases since the last ADL Global 100 survey. The 2019 survey demonstrates the
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continuing pervasiveness of anti-Semitic attitudes around the world , including long-held tropes about Jewish control of business and finance and of &ldquo;dual loyalty.&rdquo;



Global Jewish Leaders Discuss Best Practices to Counter Cyberhate and Extremism

Leaders of Jewish communities from around the globe joined ADL for a
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dialogue on cyberhate and extremism . These representatives from Jewish communities across Latin America, Europe, South Africa and Canada held discussions with representatives from Facebook, Google, and others, as well as with ADL experts from the Center on Extremism and the Center for Technology and Society.



Promoting Social Cohesion in Israel

ADL Israel held its annual flagship event &ndash; the Israel Social Cohesion Summit &ndash; a conference launched three years ago for Israelis of all stripes to come together and deliberate society&rsquo;s most pressing issues and express their vision of a shared society. The Summit addressed Israel&rsquo;s thorniest issues and featured panels on topics such as the integration of Israel&rsquo;s Arab citizens; protests in Israeli society; holding gender-separated events in the public sphere and more. Held in the wake of the latest Israeli election and amid efforts to form a coalition government, the Summit
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featured top Israeli politicians including Blue and White head
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MK Benny Gantz ; The New Right head and former Justice Minister MK Ayelet Shaked; United Torah Judaism MK Moshe Gafni; The Democratic Camp head MK Nitzan Horowitz and others.

In Israel to attend the Summit,
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ADL&rsquo;s National Commission Mission to Israel met with entrepreneurs, representatives of various minority groups, political and security officials. They met key players in each of these spheres, including the
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President of the State of Israel, Reuven Rivlin ; ultra-Orthodox and
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Palestinian entrepreneurs; US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman;
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Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion ; Chemi Peres, Chairman, Peres Center for Peace and Innovation and more. The group visited
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Sapir College and paid homage to the memory of the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin
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on the anniversary of his assassination .



Middle East

In November, ADL&rsquo;s Task Force on Middle East Minorities
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looked back on its first year&rsquo;s accomplishments and initiatives in educating, advocating and elevating the issues challenging these regional minorities and other groups who face governmental and societal repression and discrimination.

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Saudi textbooks continue to feature content that encourages hatred or violence against Jews , Christians, Shi&rsquo;ite Muslims, women, gay men, and anybody who converts away from Islam, David Weinberg, ADL Washington Director for International Affairs, reveals in an analysis in the Forward.

ADL strongly condemned (
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here and
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here ) the hundreds of rockets launched from Gaza that rained down on civilian centers in mid-November, and expressed solidarity with Israel.

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ADL endorsed House Resolution 326 which recognizes the US-Israel special relationship and calls on both sides to avoid steps that would put peace and a two-state solution further out of reach

Responding to rhetoric by Israeli political leaders that demonized Arab citizens,
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ADL Israel urged all leaders to adhere to civil discourse.

ADL&rsquo;s Task Force on Middle East Minorities
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thanked US forces for the successful operation targeting ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi , saying: &ldquo;Under al-Baghdadi&rsquo;s leadership, the Islamic State preached an extremist and violent ideology that resulted in a horrific campaign of murder, enslavement and rape targeting religious and ethnic minorities throughout Syria and Iraq, and inspired others to commit terror attacks around the world.&rdquo;

ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt
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thanked Twitter for suspending the accounts of Hamas and Hezbollah .


European Affairs Director Andrew Srulevitch
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examines the anti-Semitic incidents that occurred in the days surrounding Kristallnacht.

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Greece&rsquo;s adoption of the IHRA working definition of anti-Semitism , a step ADL had called for in a recent meeting with the Greek Prime Minister, was welcomed.

Washington Director for International Affairs, David Weinberg, hosted a meeting of Polish mayors and other municipal government officials on a State Department-sponsored International Visitor Leadership Program to discuss tolerance issues.

Latin America:

400 Mexican consular staff across the United States were trained by ADL Hispanic Affairs on hate crimes and hate incidents in the last month.

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hailed a Brazilian soccer team who wore Stars of David on their uniforms to commemorate Kristallnacht.

A decision by the Mexican Supreme Court
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recognizing a swastika tattoo as anti-Semitic was welcomed.


ADL condemned anti-Semitic attacks and trends globally: in
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Argentina ,
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Brazil ,
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Canada ,
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Colombia , Denmark (
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here and
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here ), France (
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here and
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here ), Germany (
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here ,
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here and
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here ),
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Italy , Sweden (
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here and
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here ) and the
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United Kingdom .

ADL&rsquo;s Never is Now Summit featured numerous plenary speakers and breakout sessions examining issues of global anti-Semitism.
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Plenary speakers included Jewish Agency Chair Isaac Herzog, British MK Joan Ryan and US Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combatting Anti-Semitism, Elan Carr. Breakout workshops included
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an examination of the findings of the ADL Global 100 , with insights from Jewish leaders from Brazil, the Netherlands and Poland, an interactive discussion of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel and the
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anti-Semitism of the Iranian regime .

Pope Francis&rsquo;
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strong condemnation of anti-Semitism was welcomed.

International Affairs in the Regions

ADL San Francisco
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Hosted Israelis on &ldquo;Reverse Birthright&rdquo; to Learn About Anti-Semitism and Online Extremism.


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