
Imagine waking up in the middle of the night to a phone call from an unknown number. You answer it thinking it must be urgent, only to hear someone on the other end threatening to kill you.

This isn’t a horror movie. It’s the reality for nonpartisan election workers across America who are just doing their jobs and administering our elections according to the law. And we have video proof that it’s happening all over the nation right now. Will you watch and share this video to alert your friends and family to the crisis?

Extremists are threatening nonpartisan election workers with one goal in mind: Scare them enough that they resign from their positions. As positions open up, authoritarians step in and amass more power over our elections. If successful, they’ll be able to make it harder to vote, stop vote counts, and even outright refuse to certify the results of elections when they don’t like the outcome.

This is already happening in battleground states like Georgia, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, where subtle manipulation can have a big impact. But this isn’t just happening in a handful of states - it’s a national problem.

That’s why RepresentUs is launching a campaign to protect our elections. We're mobilizing across the nation, putting country over party, and ensuring our democracy stays strong.

Share this video with your friends and family. It’s crucial that everyone sees the threats of violence trying to weaken democratic elections.

Knowledge is the first step to fighting back against extremists. Spread the word now and let’s face this head-on.


Jen Johnson
Movement Director


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RepresentUs brings conservatives and progressives together to fight corruption.
RepresentUs, P.O. Box 60008, Florence, MA 01062, 855-585-8100