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Every year, NCRC members who say Advocacy Week is their favorite part of the conference. Do not miss out on this noteworthy opportunity! The 2022 Virtual Advocacy Week will be from June 6-10, 2022

This special benefit is only available to NCRC members, but we want you there!

Join NCRC today and then register for discounted tickets to the conference. Please remember to indicate that you want to attend Advocacy Week on your registration. We want to keep you informed on when meetings with your policymakers will take place.
Register Now For the Conference
NCRC’s policy team will also host two webinars to provide guidance on how to navigate your upcoming Hill meetings and top policy priorities for NCRC and its members.

Share this with your colleagues and tell them to register for the Just Economy Conference and Virtual Advocacy Week too so together you can strengthen your state’s representation and make your voices heard!

We can’t wait to “see” you,
Latest Blog
Read more about the wealth divide in immigrant families and the second generation. 
Press Release
NCRC congratulates Lisa Cook on her confirmation to the Federal Reserve Board.
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