The Heritage Foundation
Here is the Heritage Take on the top issues today.
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Janet Yellen Is Wrong. Protecting Life Could Never Damage the Economy.Yellen said this “would have very damaging effects on the economy and would set women back decades.” She went on to argue that “abortion helped lead to increased labor force participation. It enabled many women to finish school, that increased their earning potential.” Her answer is bad ethics and bad economics. On the ethical side: It ignores the life and inherent value of the unborn child. Federal law (the Unborn Victims of Violence Act) and dozens of state laws recognize unborn children as human beings. But abortion advocates presume unborn children only deserve protections if their lives were planned and desired. But even if we reduce the matter to economics, Yellen’s analysis focuses on a tiny speck of a much larger picture. Her claim lacks what Henry Hazlitt called the “art of economics” in his classic “Economics in One Lesson.” “The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy,” he wrote. “It consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups.” Heritage Experts: Rachel Greszler and Jay Richards

Biden’s Continued Inflation Plague Should Be Ringing Alarm Bells in Washington – Through the hidden tax of inflation, the American people are paying for trillions of dollars in government spending, financed by printed money. This has allowed Congress and the president to spend recklessly without explicitly raising taxes. The Federal Reserve has been complicit with the Biden administration in fleecing the American public. The president’s statements on inflation yesterday were nothing short of atrocious. Instead of accepting responsibility for his actions, he merely proposed more government spending to be yoked onto American taxpayers. Many economic indicators are moving in the wrong direction, including real wages, real disposable income and savings, consumer debt, and energy production. The alarm bells should be ringing in Washington. They certainly already are for millions of families across this country.Heritage Experts: EJ Antoni and Joel Griffith


The Left’s Radical Bill Would Make Abortion Up to Birth the Law of the Land – Doubling down on radical and extreme abortion policies demonstrates how committed the left is to promoting abortion-on-demand at any cost. We see this in the calls for violence directed at Supreme Court justices who will hopefully soon correct the grave error of Roe v. Wade. We see it in the destructive acts of vandalism and intimidation at life-affirming pregnancy resource centers and churches. We see it in the Biden administration's push to loosen safety protocols on dangerous chemical abortion pills, despite their significant health risks to women. And we see this in the media, which refuses to acknowledge the many polls that show Americans supporting protections for women and their unborn children while overwhelmingly rejecting radical measures like late-term abortion. Heritage Expert: Melanie Israel


Dobbs Case Tests Our Commitment to the Constitution Here, sir, the people govern,” Alexander Hamilton said when explaining the republican form of government recently established in America. “Here, they act by their immediate representatives.” Most Americans agree, at least in theory, but theory is easy. It’s in practice, when this system does not deliver everything you want, that Americans really take sides. That test is now before us. In 1973, the Supreme Court took authority to regulate abortion away from those “immediate representatives,” imposing a national policy of virtually unrestricted abortion that most Americans have never supported. The possibility that the Court will put the people and their representatives back in charge is quickly exposing who respects their fellow citizens and who just wants the power to control them. Heritage Expert: Thomas Jipping


Chinese Spies Violate U.S. Sovereignty and Americans’ Rights - Chinese police and security personnel routinely conduct illegal operations in other countries. Their activities in the U.S. violate their victims’ constitutional rights and make a mockery of our nation’s sovereignty. The U.S. government and law-enforcement community rarely speak out about these acts, much less prosecute the perpetrators. That has to change. Heritage Experts: Michael Cunningham and Dean Cheng

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