Times are changing: Arab journalists also visit Israel
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Top Arab Figures From 15 Countries Meet to Say 'No' to BDS
Times are changing: Arab journalists also visit Israel
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Muslim Woman Hailed as Hero for Challenging Anti-Semitism
Moving beyond interfaith
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News Analysis
True or False: 'Ilhan Omar is a Qatari Asset'
Here's our take on the latest accusations
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Raheel Raza: What Do Muslims Really Want?
Raza takes on mainstream opinion
College Students Erect Memorial for Jihadi Terrorists
Where is the moral compass?
Readers Write
CAIR’s Support for Violent Jihadi US Criminal Group
“CAIR supports a lot of terrorist groups. They got to go.”
- J.K.
NY Times Scrubs Word ‘Terror’ From Coverage of Killing of Islamic Jihad Leader
“Media is messing with our freedoms. Why don't they just report the truth instead of covering up and rewording the truth.”
- J.K.
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