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Open Letter To Premier Scott Moe - Health Care Autonomy -
Sign the Petition!

Mr. Premier,

As you are most likely aware, Canada, along with many other nations around the world, is about to sign a treaty with the WHO called the Global Pandemic Treaty. This action will further ceded what's left of our sovereignty in this nation and, by extension, our province. It is imperative that you, on behalf of the citizens of Saskatchewan and our best interests, vehemently oppose this.

Health Care in this country falls under the jurisdiction of the provincial governments. The federal government has no jurisdiction over the administration of our health care. In that, they also have no right to give power to an unelected foreign entity, such as the WHO, to make decisions and/or create cookie cutter policy for the people of Saskatchewan. These people were never elected to represent us, create policy for us, or are ever accountable to us. You are!

These decisions and the creation of policy shall be the responsibility of provincial governments, Saskatchewan obviously included! We must defend our national sovereignty, our provincial sovereignty, and our autonomy regarding the delivery of health care in this province. There has never been a greater need for strength by our elected officials than right now. Saskatchewan can and should lead the nation in the protection of our health care system.

The Canadian Constitution gives the provinces the power and jurisdiction to make decisions in the best interests of the people of Saskatchewan. In this regard there is nothing more important than health care decisions and policy created right here by the people of Saskatchewan for the people of Saskatchewan. NOT some foreign unelected entity that does not have the best interests at heart of the people of Saskatchewan.

We, the people of Saskatchewan, demand that you exercise the powers given to you as Premier of Saskatchewan, by the Canadian Constitution, to protect and defend the health care needs of the people of Saskatchewan as well as the charter rights and freedoms and the Saskatchewan Bill of Rights. Up to and including exercising your power under sec. 33, Notwithstanding clause. There has never been more of a need for leadership and strength to exercise the powers bestowed upon you by the people you are sworn to represent!

The people of Saskatchewan demand it!

Yours Truly,

Mark Friesen

CEO & Founder

Forum for Canadian Sovereignty

[email protected]

Be sure to copy and edit for your particular province and send to yor MLA and Premiers office!

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