Dear John, I appreciate you taking a quick break from your day and maybe from busy Thanksgiving preparations for this quick message. Because of your support of the National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC) this year, countless families have been reunited, others have been able to stay together by preventing a loved one’s deportation, and many have a new-found safety and stability. One of those families is Jessica’s. Jessica is a survivor of domestic violence and she sent this thank you note to our team at NIJC after receiving her green card: "Thank you for the journey we have took together, thank you for the sacrifice you had made for me and my son and the many life you has change. I don't have enough word to tell you how much I appreciate what you have done for us. You have dried our tears and bring joy to our hearts and have given us a change to make this world a brighter place. Thank you for fulfilling some of our dreams and enable us to continue to dream!" | |
As a lawful permanent resident, Jessica and her son have incredible opportunities and stability that they’ve never had before. And that’s because of you. I am deeply committed to the work that we do at NIJC because I see the resilience of people like Jessica, who achieve security and joy after enduring very difficult journeys. We couldn’t be more grateful that you support NIJC and by doing so change so many lives and fulfill the dreams of so many new Americans. Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving. With gratitude, Trisha Teofilo Olave NIJC’s Immigrant Legal Defense Project | |