From Tom Schatz <[email protected]>
Subject I have bad news
Date May 12, 2022 1:04 AM
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John, if you’re a senior who worked your whole life and did things the right
way ... 


... I have bad news for you.


Joe Biden is trying to steal everything you worked for to pay for his massive
Socialist spending spree.


That's why I'm asking you to sign your Stop Targeting Seniors Declaration
right away.
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Joe Biden and his Far-Left allies in Congress have declared war on American


They’re planning to pay for their wasteful spending bills with massive tax
increases that target the money that seniors, like you, have saved over their
entire lives. 


As I write this message, Biden and radical Far-Left members of Congress are
trying to:

* Triple the number of people who pay the Death Tax by lowering the Death Tax
* Destroy people's retirements by jacking up the Capital Gains Tax.
* Create a second Death Tax by eliminating the "step-up basis" taking an
additional $113 billion from the heirs of people who have passed away.
While these are complicated tax issues, one thing is certain:


If you worked hard, paid taxes and saved money to enjoy retirement and leave
whatever is left over to your loved ones -- JOE BIDEN HAS YOU IN HIS


We can stop them, but only if we work together. That's why I'm asking you to
sign your Citizens Against Government Waste Stop Targeting Seniors Declaration
as soon as possible.
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These massive tax increases and theft of savings fly in the face our founding
principles and the American dream. 


They punish people like you who worked hard, sacrificed, and saved to give
their children and grandchildren a better life. 


And what’s worse: they’re using this money for massive handouts to supporters
of the most radical Far-Left agenda in history, which has caused the worst
inflation in 40 years! 


They give these wasteful spending bills nice-­sounding names, but it's all a


The Wall Street Journal agrees with CAGW that the "Coronavirus relief" bill
was mostly "bailouts for Democratic constituencies, expansions of progressive
programs, pork, and unrelated policy changes." 


And the "infrastructure" bills have almost NOTHING to do with roads and


It's just an excuse to fund their radical environmental agenda and give away
billions inhandouts to groups who support liberal politicians. 


Just look at a few of the things the Far Left is calling "infrastructure:"

* A Commission to Promote "Women in the Trucking Industry,"
* Free community college,
* And a climate change army called the Civilian Climate Corps that is part of
a $555 billion “investment” in green energy.
These so-called progressives are content to let our roads and bridges crumble
while they spend billions on their agenda.


They don’t care that your taxes will skyrocket.


They don’t care if the record-setting inflation they caused is making you
struggle to make ends meet. 


They don’t care if they take away your retirement money, or what you saved to
leave for your children and grandchildren.


They ONLY care about their radical political agenda and they're willing to do
ANYTHING to achieve it. 


So, the burden falls on us ... 


We must stop them from tripling the number of people forced to pay the Death
Tax, destroying their retirement dreams, and creating a Double Death Tax.


And that's why I'm asking you to join me today.


Will you take critical action today to stop Biden and the radical Far-Left
from targeting seniors for massive tax increases? If so, then please:


Immediately sign your Stop Targeting Seniors Declaration.
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I’ve set a goal of collecting 1,250,000 signed Stop Targeting Seniors


I chose 1,250,000 signed Declarations because it's exactly the show of force
we need to let Joe Biden and the radical Far-Left know that we are going to
fight back and win the battle against their unfair targeting of hard-working
seniors for these massive tax increases.


We need a massive outpouring of seniors from across the country to come
together and make their voices heard - loud and clear! 


We must stop Biden and the liberals from tripling the number of people that
pay the Death Tax, destroying our retirement savings, and creating a new Death


So please, sign your Stop Targeting Seniors Declaration right away.
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America’s seniors deserve better than to be robbed blind by the system they
already paid into.


If you agree, I hope I can count on your support.


For America,


Tom Schatz, President

Citizens Against Government Waste


P.S. Joe Biden and the radicals in Congress are coming after seniors who
worked hard and sacrificed with massive tax increases!


They want to greatly expand the number of people paying the Death Tax, destroy
people's retirements, AND create a second Death Tax ... 


Targeting seniors who worked hard and paid their dues is un-American and we
must stop them. 


That's why I'm asking you to sign your Stop Targeting Seniors Declaration
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Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) is the nation's largest taxpayer
watchdog group with more than 1 million members and supporters nationwide. It
is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating
waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government. Contributions to CAGW are
tax-deductible as charitable contributions to the extent permitted by law.

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