Overturn Roe? HELL NO!
STOP the Supreme Court From Taking Away
the Right to Abortion!
Episode 110 Uploaded May 8: A draft version of the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe on the
most retrograde basis has been leaked, authored by Samuel Alito.
Das interviews Susana Chiarotti, Latin American Liaison for the Sisterhood
is Global Institute about the global implications of this ruling and the
immediate challenge facing the abortion rights movement in the US. Read
her recent article for the Miami Herald: While Roe v. Wade is under attack in the U.S., Latin American women are winning abortion rights.
Then, we share some of the voices from the street protests and student
walkouts that happened this week as emergency responses to the pending
SCOTUS decision.
>> Listen
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Susana Chiarotti: What is happening in the US regarding abortion is a brutal lesson for feminists. The draft ruling wants to take us back to medieval times. If it were to be approved, it would have a negative influence on the courts of other countries all over the world. What affects one affects us all. These are collective problems that magnify the collective movements. If women in the US do not mobilize in the states by the thousands they will not be able to reverse the sentence of the court.
from RiseUp4AbortionRights.org:
Week of Resistance May 8-14 culminating in mass, unified protests Saturday May 14
Overturn Roe? HELL NO!
Stop the Supreme Court from Taking Away Abortion Rights
Saturday May 14 in 50 citiesHere are some. Click the map to find more | host your own
Flagship event: New York City 2:00 pm Union Square @ 14th Street Rally & March
Los Angeles 9:00 am U.S. Court House 12:00 pm Grand Park RSVP
Chicago 1:00 pm Wrigley Square at Millenium Park RSVP
Austin 2:00 pm Buford Tower RSVP
Boston 2:00 pm Copley Square RSVP
San Francisco 1:00 pm 24th & Mission RSVP
Seattle 1:00 pm Seattle Central College Plaza RSVP and more....

>> See RiseUp4AbortionRights leaders, including students, w orientation for this fight

>> If you can't march Saturday, but want to help in stopping the Supreme Court from decimating women's rights:
SHARE on social media. Tag #Rise4AbortionRights #Green4Abortion
DONATE to organizing expenses for these rallies
SHOP Get your green bananas -- the international symbol of abortion rights
RefuseFascism.org national team
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