Dear John, |
As families across America settled down to a hearty Thanksgiving feast, Brandon’s family had to make do with bowls of cereal.
You see, his dad had lost his job, and then his mom got sick. Bills were stacking up, and there was no money coming in.
So cereal was all they had.
It was a long, hungry weekend for Brandon, just as it will be for other kids who can’t always count on getting the meals they need. But with your help, we’ll be ready to help feed them first thing Monday morning.
Please donate now so that children get the food they need.
If you think there’s no childhood hunger in your community, think again. It’s an invisible epidemic. Kids face hunger in the cities, in the suburbs and rural areas.
We think that’s wrong, and I’m guessing you do too.
When you support No Kid Hungry, every $10 you donate can provide up to 100 meals for children in need.
Will you give today to help kids in your community and across the country?
Somewhere near you, kids are home, just waiting for Monday to come. Thanksgiving is no holiday when there’s not enough to eat. But thanks to generous people like you, hungry kids across America will get the food they need
at school, like breakfast and an afternoon snack.
When kids are deprived of the food they deserve, it doesn’t just hurt them physically; it also deprives them of the chance to achieve their dreams.
I know you care. And it’s why I’m counting on you to make sure childhood hunger becomes a thing of the past.
Thank you for all you do,

Amy Zganjar
Senior Vice President
P.S. Thankfully, Brandon’s story has a happy ending. His dad got a job, and his mom recovered from her illness. But too many other kids still need help to change their story, and they need that help from
people like you and me. Please make a gift today.
Images used in this email are not the individuals featured in the story