From Midterms Elections Update (via Voto Latino) <[email protected]>
Subject Republicans are spending big money to flip Arizona
Date May 11, 2022 9:30 PM
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John, whichever party wins in Arizona will almost certainly win control of the Senate. That's why the GOP has made flipping Arizona a priority – and they've already started spending big money to take down Democratic Senator Mark Kelly:

Republicans hit Arizona Sen. Kelly on Spanish-language TV

"NRSC is spending roughly $250,000 for 10 days' worth of ads on network and cable Spanish-language television" – Axios

Hurry – donate now to help Voto Latino fight back by registering and mobilizing young Latinos to vote for Democrats in Arizona >>> [link removed]

We can’t let the GOP get a head start on us in the fight for Arizona’s Senate seat. Instead, we need to combat Republicans immediately with our own investment.

Voto Latino is focused on winning in states like Arizona by registering and turning out the voters we know will vote for Democrats – young Latinos. It takes just $18 to help us get one Latinx voter registered and mobilized to vote, so please, chip in whatever you can to power our grassroots efforts.

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Thank you!

– Voto Latino

Voto Latino
PO Box 35608
Washington , DC 20033
United States
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